This year, the most important European trade fair for the ICT sector is a virtual experience with a promising motto: New2Next. The New Normal in which we have been living since last year is characterised by remote communication. IT technology makes a significant contribution to enabling connected work from home. And this much is certain: the ‘Next Normal’, the time after the pandemic, will also be remote. ALSO explores which technologies, platforms and ecosystems will shape this era at CTV 2021.

Sim Services - AllThingsTalk Partnership Announcement
Schnell IoT-Prototypen erstellen mit den ALSO IoT Rapid Development Kits
Soest, den 09. Juli 2020 - ALSO macht mit dem IoT-Plattform- und -Lösungsangebot von AllThingsTalk die Vermarktung von IoT für Fachhandelspartner besonders einfach. Jetzt erweitert ALSO ihr Portfolio um die neuen Rapid Development Kits (RDK) für die unkomplizierte und schnelle Erstellung von IoT-Prototypen.
Rapid Development Kits are now available for Resellers in ALSO E-Commerce
Topics: Insider, Partners, News, Case Studies
Connecting XinaBox XK05 to AllThingsTalk Maker in 3 easy steps
We have partnered with XinaBox and micro:bit to bring simplicity to IoT. The XK05 IoT kit from XinaBox for micro:bit has been designed to help get first time users onto the AllThingsTalk Maker with 3 easy steps.
OKdo Cloud (powered by AllThingsTalk) integrates XinaBox kits for a streamlined user experience
[12 December]: XinaBox is pleased to announce the partnership with OKdo. We have teamed up to provide expert and non-expert users with a simple way to explore the Internet of Things (IoT) by creating smart devices and IoT systems. In attempting to explore and leverage Big Data and IoT technologies, many users still face a complex landscape of hardware, software and IoT services. By integrating XinaBox hardware (that anyone can assemble in seconds) and the OKdo Cloud (powered by AllThingsTalk) (connect your things and interact with them for free) we have greatly improved and streamlined the user experience, making it easier for beginners to get started and for experts to get productive.
Topics: Partners, News, insight, New Features
ALSO AllThingsTalk integrates XinaBox kits to provide a streamlined user experience
[5 November]: XinaBox is pleased to announce our partnership with ALSO AllThingsTalk. We have teamed up to provide expert and non-expert users with a simple way to explore the Internet of Things (IoT) by creating smart devices and IoT systems. In attempting to explore and leverage Big Data and IoT technologies, many users still face a complex landscape of hardware, software and IoT services. By integrating XinaBox hardware (that anyone can assemble in seconds) and AllThingsTalk’s Maker platform (providing IoT tools to collect, connect, visualise and use the data) we have greatly improved and streamlined the user experience, making it easier for beginners to get started and for experts to get productive.
Topics: Partners, News, New Features
AllThingsTalk partners with OKdo on new cloud platform
Bringing narrow band IoT within reach of everyone
Sodaq partners with AllThingsTalk to launch the first NB-IoT shield for Arduino, supported by T-Mobile in The Netherlands.
Hilversum - Gent, 24 February 2017. Today Sodaq launches in collaboration with AllThingsTalk and T-Mobile in The Netherlands, the kickstarter campaign for their first NB-IoT Shield for Arduino.