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Connecting XinaBox XK05 to AllThingsTalk Maker in 3 easy steps
We have partnered with XinaBox and micro:bit to bring simplicity to IoT. The XK05 IoT kit from XinaBox for micro:bit has been designed to help get first time users onto the AllThingsTalk Maker with 3 easy steps.
How IoT is revolutionising how we will light the world
Sally Keys reacted recently to a post by us from late 2015 called "What are IoT design patterns". It reminded her of an article she published about a month ago. Here is her story we (and she) want to share with you.
Bringing narrow band IoT within reach of everyone
Sodaq partners with AllThingsTalk to launch the first NB-IoT shield for Arduino, supported by T-Mobile in The Netherlands.
Hilversum - Gent, 24 February 2017. Today Sodaq launches in collaboration with AllThingsTalk and T-Mobile in The Netherlands, the kickstarter campaign for their first NB-IoT Shield for Arduino.
AllThingsTalk, a key partner of Things Connected to drive business adoption of IoT across London
The Digital Catapult programme to empower digital startups and SME’s across London to embrace the opportunities of the Internet of Things, called Things Connected, is live. This infrastructure is a free to use LoRaWAN™ based network which, with 50 base stations, will be the largest LoRaWAN ™ based network in the UK.