AllThingsTalk Blog

AllThingsTalk Presents Earl - Automation Made Easy

Written by Winona Hsiang-Ya Chou | 10-Jul-2019 08:00:00

The true value of IoT projects is realised not when the data is received on the cloud but when decisions are taken based on that data. These decisions can be as simple as notifying the correct people in case something is going wrong (or right), to as complex as controlling devices on the network based on signals received from other devices.

AllThingsTalk is proud to introduce Earl, our next generation rule and automation engine which brings drag & drop simplicity to create rules and merge your business processes with your IoT projects.

Inspired by visual programming languages like Scratch*, Earl allows users to compare & control assets, notify team members and also log events in real time, all with a few clicks.

Earl also brings in the functionality of creating rules via APIs so that you can implement more complex business logic seamlessly. For our Partner+ users, rules can be predefined and assigned to your activation codes so that there is one click roll out not only for your devices but also any associated business rules. This will ensure that your IoT project is aligned with your business from Day1.

Over the next few weeks as we deploy Earl, we will be talking in more detail about how this powerful new tool can be used to deliver maximum value for your project.

We will be hosting a series of webinars to show live examples of how to use Earl. Subscribe and join us on this journey!




*Scratch is a programming language and an online community from MIT Media Lab where people can program and share interactive media. (